A Chinese translation of “Oats, Peas, Beans and Barley Grow”

Bean Starts
Bean Starts

The prolonged sunny weather we’re having this fall season has enabled me to continue to harvest from my small garden plot. Thinking about it, I owe Mother Nature many thanks. In our collaboration to produce vegetables and fruits, my contribution is minimal. In fact, there is much truth in the children’s song titled “Oats, Peas, Beans and Barleys Grow”.

Yǒu shéi zhīdào yànmài, wāndòu, gān dòu hé dàmài shì rúhé zhǎngdà de ma?
Does anyone know how oats, peas and barley grow?

首先, 农夫播下燕麦、豌豆、干豆和大麦的种子.
Shǒuxiān, nóngfū bō xià yànmài, wāndòu, gān dòu hé dàmài de zhǒngzi.
First, the farmer sows the seeds for oats, peas, beans and barley.

Ránhòu tā zhàn qǐlái xiē yīhuìr.
Then, he stands up to relax a bit.

他跺跺脚, 拍拍手,
Tā duò duò jiǎo, pāi pāi shǒu,
He stamps his foot and claps his hands,

zhuǎnshēn kàn kan tā de tǔdì.
and turns around to view his land.

接下来, 农夫给种子浇了水.
Jiē xiàlái, nóngfū gěi zhǒngzi jiāo le shuǐ
Next, the farmer waters the seeds.

再接下来, 农夫锄了锄杂草.
Zà jiē xiàlái, nóngfū chú le chú zá cǎo.
Next, the farmer hoes the weeds.

最后, 农夫收获他的种子.
Zuìhòu, nóngfū shōuhuò tā de zhǒngzi.
Last, the farmer harvests his seeds.

Yóu cǐ kějiàn
It can be seen from this,

suīrán nóngfū huā shíjiān hé jīnglì zài tián lǐ xīnláo gōngzuò,
that although the farmer spends time and energy toiling in the field,

shíjì shang shǐ zhíwù zhuózhuàng chéngzhǎng de
what actually makes the plants thrive and grow

shì yī zhǒng shénqí de lìliàng zài fāhuī zuòyòng.
is a mysterious power at play.

Zài shōuhuò hé xiǎngyòng càiyuán chǎnpǐn de shíhòu,
While harvesting and enjoying the garden produce,

wǒ gǎndào shàngtiān cìgěi le wǒ yī fèn tèshū de ài,
I feel a special love bestowed upon me,

ràng wǒ shēn shēn gǎnjī.
making me deeply thankful.

Gǎnēn jié kuàilè!
Happy Thanksgiving!